7 ideas for your outdoor seating areas

For thosewho feel like trying something else (and which involve a bit more effort and creativity), scroll forth... With clever seating ideas, every millimetre of your outdoor space can be used to its full potential – even courtyards which have the potential to feel very enclosed by surrounding walls (which can be hidden via cleverly placed features like potted plants, string lights, etc. Cue the placement of a humble bench or some chairs, a table, a handful of décor (like colourful pillows or potted flowers) and some day-to-night lighting to transform that underused outdoor zone into something which you can actually call your own. Why waste precious space in your garden’s corners when those areas can be made so much more practical (and beautiful) via some choice seating spots and maybe even potted shrubs for a touch of colour and foliage? Take advantage of that fresh air and sunny spot outdoors by placing a French-inspired bistro table with matching (or perhaps even contrasting) chairs. Fix that problem by adding comfy seating, blankets, appropriate lighting, and maybe even a fire pit (or something equally suitable) to transform a daytime socialising zone into a night-time one! That’s why, if you love playing host, consider adding a dining table (with chairs, obviously) the main focal point of your garden / veranda / courtyard... Complete the look as you would on the inside of your home (via scented candles, plush pillows for the chairs, outdoor lighting fixtures to properlyilluminate any social activity extending past sunset, etc.)
