What it's like coping with anxiety as an autistic person

Editor’s Note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft. We know the many places this demonic virus has spread, like Italy and New York. We know how the virus has led government officials to force small business owners to temporarily closetheir doors and has either led people to work at home or left them with no job at all. We also know how many things we were looking forward to, like trips, graduations, festivals,concerts,games and even family get-togethers have been disrupted and canceled. Along with the knowledge we have attained above, another issue that the virus has contributed to the world is how it is affecting mental health. ____________________________________________________ More on coronavirus: ____________________________________________________ There are autistics out there, including myself, who have been emotionally affected by this pandemic. Now to be fair, not all autistics have been anxious from this pandemic; some have even been able to thrive during the lockdown. I felt the lockdown would never end and that we would be social distancing for a lifetime. I was able to use ways to cope with my anxiety, such as talking with friends and family, as well as take part in activities I love, such as reading, exercising and painting. Currently, things are slowly and gradually opening, infection rates are decreasing, and it seems like a matter of time before life goes back to normal. Personally, I havebeenfortunate to still see my girlfriend, who I deeply love, as well as see my family and still have a job I go to daily during these uncertain times. I guess that what I am trying to say is that, even though these uncertain times can bring about much anxiety, do what you can to maintain a sense of optimism. At the end of the day, this pandemic willbe over eventually, and you will be a survivor.
