Woman gives birth to one of the UK's biggest babies weighing the same as a bowling ball

If giving birth to one of the UK’s biggest babies wasn’t enough dramatic, the mum-of-three revealed the midwife only arrived with half an hour before Atticus’ made his appearance. Recalling the details about her baby’s arrival Fearon revealed: “The birth went amazingly - I used hypnobirthing to calm and ground me and the labour was only two and a half hours long start to finish. “I birthed him in a pool with the midwife arriving with only half an hour to spare.  “I only had a couple of puffs of gas and air and got away with no stitches. “It just goes to show what women’s bodies are capable of and a nice reassurance for those that are predicted to have big babies.”  Thankfully baby Atticus’ birth went without complications with the assistance of her husband James, 34, and two independent midwives. Baby Aria was born in hospital after a long delivery that required forcep assistance and resulted in a big tear and an episiotomy.
